Facts about Virginia – Believe it or not

Image Showing A Beautiful View of Mountains

We are full of history

The first thanksgiving was held in the state of Virginia in 1619. The English colonists celebrated their safe arrival here with a feast to give thanks to God.
The world’s largest and biggest living history museum – Colonial Williamsburg is located in Virginia.The maximum number of civil wars battles, more than 120, were fought in Virginia.

A Woman Traveller Sitting and Starring at the view of northern virginia

Learn something new

  • Virginia is also called the ‘Silicon Valley of the East’ and more than 50% of the entire world’s internet traffic passes through the data servers in Loudon County in Virginia.
  • Virginia is the most populated state in the United States.
  • The oldest college in all of the United States is the Wren Building, which is situated in Virginia. It was built in the 17th century and was originally referred to as ‘The College’. It was called the Wren building in 1931 after the name of its architect, Sir Chistopher Wren.
  • Virginia is the fifth largest producer of wine in the US. It has over 250 wineries.
  • Virginia Beach is the longest beach in the world and has nearly 35 miles of coastline.
  • Quarter horses, an american breed of horses which is very popular was first bred in Virginia.

Are you surprised?

The largest office building in the world is the Pentagon is situated in Virginia. It has two times the space of the Empire State building – 5,100,000 square feet. The Pentagon’s construction began exactly 60 years before the 911 attacks on the twin towers. The Pentagon can boast of over 68,000 miles of telephone lines inside the building alone. Virginia has more traffic lawyers than any other state because of their tough traffic laws. Driving 20 mph over and above the recommended speed limit can send some one to jail for a year with a hefty fine of over $2500.

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